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Fiscal drag and tax thresholds: What does it mean for you
As the Government seeks to plug certain gaps in the public purse, we are unlikely to see any change in ... Read more
With Income Tax unlikely to change, is it worth altering your dividend-based salary strategy?
For business owners and directors, dividends may form a critical element of your salary strategy and tax planning, keeping your ... Read more
Labour pledges to avoid raising taxes ‘on working people’
As the Autumn Budget approaches, the Government has pledged that it will “make the tax system fairer” and avoid raising ... Read more
How to protect your business from Kittel VAT risks
Taxpayers have a fundamental right to reclaim input tax, also referred to as input VAT. However, HMRC has the authority ... Read more
Capital allowances for property owners explained
Capital allowances are a great way to reduce your tax liabilities by claiming deductions on certain property-related expenses. They allow ... Read more
Is it time to restructure your business?
Labour’s Autumn Budget is just around the corner (30 October) and many businesses are uncertain of what the next few ... Read more